Thursday, December 23, 2010

Love Letter 354 This Night

Dear One
Make your manger in me
allow me be the inn
in which you steady your coming
allow me be the drum on which you enter the song

Dear One
I know nothing
like a virgin cries
I give birth
to thoughts and ideas
that cannot match you
I give birth
to my own fantasy
of what has yet to be revealed

Allow me be the stable
and the night star
and myrrh itself

Allow me dear one
to let your light be birthed
in each and every cell of me
so I may sow forgiveness
and give endlessly forth
Your Love

I Love You
Your Beloved

Friday, December 10, 2010

Love Letter 350 For Now

The Only Thief is God

And All He/She takes, is Hers/His Alone

Let It Go

Back into the Melting Pot
of Love

I Love You
Your Beloved