of this luminous body
you have found God
sleeping on a sidewalk
with a vestige of gin
and he has taken from his blanket
a scrap
to blow his nose
and wash his face
...is this your God?
of course it is
and stubborn as the hemming of a haw
the day nibbles at your kismet tongue
with a wire toothed comb, until all your taste buds
have forgotten the halo of honey
and you begin
gnawing at my world
while I sit
feet crossed
in a park which has no fountains
and I keep on writing even as you talk
is this your God?
and sometimes
you shoot at birds
and kill bugs
is this your God?
and sometimes you talk about weather
complaining, or desiring something else
is this your God?
and sometimes you point at strangers moving differently than you
and sometimes
you volunteer the truth
and sometimes
you rub against the cobwebs of your mother's youth
is this your God?
when will the lights be turned on?
you have been living this long.
look around
there are still more switches to flick
then this light house
can be your God
and see
that everything
for miles and beyond
is holy, luminous and God
this freedom
is the Beloved
gardening your heart
oil and will and sturdy containers which pour
are good here
the voice
is your own
gather, believe and pour
I Love You
Your Beloved
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