Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Love Letter 295 Karmic Petroglyphs

catapult me
cuz I am god
and there is no legend

be here
because to know me
is to know now the very center before all differences

this now is the very interface of all indulgence


civilized being
of the mortals
and speak to me
for I am an amphitheater for truth
and I sit in allegiance with thee
as thou(est) performs
all unmaskings

believer in me
for I don the forty truths
I sit and weep with thee
I laugh when thou art done
excited for our next venture

you know me
I am true to my name
does thou consider me
still living?

if I ask
it must be so

what would thou doest with me?

Oh Beloved
the sum of all hearts
still does not prove
what I know
in this still childish one
that you have invented all disclaimers
to put us gentle to the test of love, and let us pass.

Oh Beloved
your truth is true
but I'm reluctant and precious
I hold a grail and call it gold
but you open your hand
and extend it
help, love, affection, gratitude
Your acts
have spoken
without metaphor
or magicians
Your alms house no arrogance or frillery
in all my mystication with myself
you pull a single thread from a trillion fibers
and I retire my puppets

My Love
will apologies and confessions gain me love?
Must I constantly profess myself unknown
just to be ready
to receive you?

If I lay down
all my accolades
for self
I will be naked
in a house of successful dressers
My Dear
you always ask too much
and never deliver
my small-minded wish

I have always been too busy
to brush aside my own ignorance
but I have watched
let go
into Your Grace

Whatever you give
is grandiose
to our self-prescribed rapture

I have been a link in the caravan
constantly bucking my brethren
I have used your name like a critical vessel
to get my point

I have been learning
like a good student
so flattered by her education
that she can't guess
without drawing a graph around her straight A heart

My Love
You have listened close(ly)
to every argument
without giving in
Though I dream of a horse and carriage, a chariot and a corsage
You offer me
The Prince

this hand is trembling
to receive Your Love

I Love You
Your Beloved

Monday, August 30, 2010

Love Letter 294 Head to Heart Combat

the million miles
it took you to get here
these gates
are rusted
give up
the thousand thoughts you carried
through every trial
they're not enough
I only hoped
that when you got here
there'd be nothing left
but here I am
and we go at it
as if
neither one of us
has ever (been) hurt
or felt pain
or been through

we go at it
for ourselves
for our selfishness
in defense of our whole story
out of sadness for our suffering
we justify
against the other
our own injustices

My Love
you would take me to market
if you could feel better
if it would free you
if all of those steps could be reduced to one
you would sacrifice
my pitiful turbulent chastity
My Love
if it would bring relief
from this hollow knighting and harrowing checkmate
I would leave you at the altar
I would run from my compassion I have patched together
to make you hear my whole story
Those gates are rusted
my Beloved
because our tears
have not been
for one another
but for ourselves we cried
to be victors in a match of victims
(we have fought)
the prize to be the neediest, saddest, weariest
has taken us
to a whole new level
of losing
the way to our own heart
Your Love
is all I ever wanted
but my love
has been a twig in a life of forest fires
I think about that twig
a thousand times
and each thought
is not enough to redeem my faith in love

but You
paving the way with your competitive grief
and relentless wounded ego
keep laying down the gauntlet
without fail
and in the paralyzing commitment to practice our combat
I fall madly
in love

Your Beloved

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Love Letter 293 Obstacle Course to God

Because all the saints are watching
I rub my holy ghost

Because all the saints are watching
I prefer soft lighting

Because all the saints are watching
I wear my glasses as a signal I am getting close

Because all the saints are watching
I rob myself the pleasure of being too sure

Because all the saints are watching
I hold myself accountable for daring acts of dualism

Because all the saints are watching
I host parties in my head where everything goes well

Because all the saints are watching
I feel that sobriety is a dinosaur I must clone and revive

Because all the saints are watching
I am infested with insults like cobwebs my broom can't reach

Because all the saints are watching
I have heard illogical things sound very very likely

Because all the saints are watching
I have tucked in the corners of my bed, put my lights out, and pretended to sleep

Because all the saints are watching
I have let you go, wishing you luck, but secretly wishing all that luck
for me

Because all the saints are watching
I have given up listening to Rock n Roll and meditated on my breath
which sounds a lot like "Stairway to Heaven"

Because all the saints are watching
I have hit my children less and prevented a multitude of curse words

Because all the saints are watching
I have cursed my hitting, shouting, flinching, fearing

Because all the saints are watching
I have finally just said "What are you waiting for?"

Because all the saints are watching
They can finally help
me become a human being
and not an obstacle course to God

I Love You
Your Beloved

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Love Letter 292 Silent as a Wedding Bell

Mystery is not enough!
I want real accolades
and common sense!
Rip tides
and the thing you wear on your finger after " I do"
I want all that lavish lascivious hoo hah
and the shackles of being in love
(with a rancid perspiring fool who only says "no" in latin)
I want the lap dancing madman to become the messiah
and I want these legs to walk on water
just because I have forgotten to pack my toothbrush
When you are there
the red carpet
covers the freeway of all my ideas
and I just sing to you
from that silent petal falling off my ego
I do not think that love
has made me a mockery
but I do think
that love

I Love You
Your Beloved

Friday, August 27, 2010

Love Letter 291 So You Know

I am not a broken doorway
which you can come in and out
wearing my hinges
further down
into a grape seed of turpentine wine
and I am not
hung here
for you
to salute
with your bad news
and grasping radiant penalties
I have no stock
in turning around
or giving up
but I will not
the bed
and not the beloved

So You Know
Your Beloved

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Love Letter 290 Sometimes It Just Looks Rough

did you wake up
friend or foe?
did you miss the bus?
bang your head?
forget to eat breakfast?
did you make the great dash into the tiny dish
where you are still swimming
and not hear the angel purring in your lap?
I Am Here Beloved!
I have not lost my way
nor yours!
the stones will talk
if you listen
I have given each of them
a nickname for love
with them whispering them all
you should
have no time to drop ecstasy off
on the way out

that sweet ecstatic stone
is it in your sandal my love?

Your Beloved

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Love Letter 289 Not Even A Mouse

there is nothing to take
from me
I have left the stove on
and the kitchen empty
the bed is dressed with just desserts
I have piled all my innocence into a line on the fence
and given away my conditions
this time
I am looking at you
with both eyes
and everything else
is a clock on a wall
not ticking

you are my love
I am not looking
to arrive

Your Beloved

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Love Letter 288 Do Not Be Fooled

you have moved on
this is only novel
to me
it hurts
but deep inside my psyche
you still exist
and like a fool
I will keep loving you

this grain of sand
is still a stone
and that glass
still sand
and my room
still holds a chasm of you
where dust has no pretense
no matter your coordinates
I am still with you
we betray ourselves with all kinds of abandonments
only to find
we are still with us
it is so creative of us
to think up loss
but we are still full
of something
than all our curses
the sun rises
on the glib heart
and still
the muse writhes in the art
your eyes which once held my beloved
will come again
to confront me
and I will recognize


Your Beloved

Monday, August 23, 2010

Love Letter 287 Simply

I only want to love you
for real
and not from a distance
I want to see you
up close
and not through a portal in technology
I want to know you by the fire
when the shadows and the flames leap together in a medley
of your wholly truth
I want to walk with you
where silence is God's twine pulling us together
to make love to you
in a garden where I have nothing
to hold

I Love You
Your Beloved

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Love Letter 286 A Toast

My love,
let me dine on you
your delicious appetites move my archipelago
I am enamored by your lustrous tastes and talents
by your alchemist's tongue
and the strumming of your skins against the long backs of dirty rivers,
lust, making them clean again

I go forever
without using you to bid on heaven
in truth
heaven has used you
to lure me

your lips
have touched so many languages

every stroke is an exhilarated dip into captivating water
a muse using the mystery
to steep me

a rune
on the banks of the Seine
saying she loves me
when I am learning "Je'taime"

oh my
butter my lips
with empty neurosis,
I have forgotten all my ills
is sugar-coated
in the miracle world of

even my eyes
in salt water
as the ocean rises
in this plattered heart
I have disappeared
to love you
and reappeared
to love

May the rising tides
bring this batter
into service
for the world

May my footsteps
bear the journey
of one who makes a difference

My Love
I Love You
Your Beloved

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Love Letter 285 somewhere over the horizon part 1

I break my fast
with myself
sulking, I slaughter all the good I have gathered and gorge it with poisons
I forsake my own tongue
then entangle it with thirsty swarthiness
in iambic pentameter I trod my own game
and gallop its defenses
just to defeat my own aim

what work is this?

I insist in living without you
yet with you I am so obsessed

which is more innocent?

service or slavery?

I, my love, have torn you apart
in(to) ten rupees
but still you make sense

why why
do you go on quenching my nerves?
taking my insults
allotting me more rope?

why why
do you live and rise remaining here like an established country on my home front?

why do your words penetrate my steal dixie cup
and grate against my comfortable ache
I know amnesia
I wake up and go back to sleep
this loneliness a numbing sugar
which I inject
into every fear
of loss

even when there is nothing to push
I still have my hands out
ready to replace sisyphus

why why
all this goading
into nostalgia for love

you keep your sentimental arts and crafts out of here

you... you and all your love!

who do you think ruined me for doubt and despair?!

I can barely fake devastation when you're around

I wear all the ragamuffin scripts
and yet
you cast me
as the Christ child

isn't it enough to be omnipotent?!

You have to make me happy, too??!!

Your Beloved

Friday, August 20, 2010

Love Letter 284 A Toast

Out of harm's macabre mouth
his lips fly
He is Wilderness
the breath of God's smile

oh ancient cheek of wilderness
spilling in perfection's way

why am I like this?

open(ed) like the sustained host of miracles
beginning to gain eyes.

Am I not in thrill's thrust holding your ancient tongue in my translation?

aren't I stepping with dirty shoes all over your Jackson Pollack?

aren't these trees older than I ever was
and haven't they seen the wicked become the wondrous?

Your Wilderness
is needed

the gypsies
speak in tongues
and grant three wishes
to anyone
who has heard
you whisper

I have wished, of course
like this:
1 You
2 You
3 You

and now, Love
they believe me

I will take your orders
like a french kiss from a lover
a box of sweets
a thousand letters creased with love
and flowers
strewn in bridal rapture

I Love Your Wilderness
Your Beloved

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Love Letter 283 Another Prayer

Somedays. when there is sunshine
I rather sit

Somedays the words you give
move molehills-- but I have mountains in my psyche

Somedays I have everything to be grateful for
but cannot feel a thing

Oh Lord. Beloved
give me strength to see you shine
through all my barriers, apathy, laziness, guilt.

Please, keep me actively awake in you

Even if I only look out a window from the inside
Let that be the one your Light shines in

I Love You
Your Beloved

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Love Letter 282 Just Reward

I Love to Live
Because Life is Eternal

What a small pond I would make
for myself
if I didn't love Love

What a tiny frozen lily pad
I would be stuck upon
if I didn't Love
to Live

my swollen eyes shut
would miss the endless shower
of your pollen upon the whole world

If I am stuck, Lord
let me find a vent
I can fit through
make me thin or thick to slip through
unscathed by all my fallacies
make me fit enough to see (You)
or become so obvious
that even the "I"s of my illusions
(can) see You there

I Am so happy!
This Day of all Days, is the one I'm in.
And you put it here, Lord,
to enjoy with me together!

Oh Thank You!

Your Beloved

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Love Letter 281 You Are Quiet

I act
we have forever

my words, take your ears for granted

each time I play a card, I look into the mirror
and say
"no good"

but this, only works, in solitaire.


when we play together...

...when I play with you

you say "every one is good, every one is beautiful, every one is worth it"

and I feel

because when you say "every one is good, every one is beautiful, every one is worth it"
you are telling me
I am good, I am beautiful, I am worth it

and this
little brick
breaks through the mirror
in my

and there is no
looking back
at me

no interrogation

only the divine line, I cross
when we
play cards

I let you win

being with you
is winning

when when I'm with you
I am winning

Oh God,

I am a silhouette, mixed with many waters
my banks are dry
and yet I chat with wild onions
and the grilling of delectable sin
I wade through the answers
to come up
like trout into the fisher's boat
but I am holding
inside of me

Oh Beloved
your songs are my knees in solicitation
and my weeds
keep growing, though you are pouring down The Friend
and my weakness
speaks underwater
and all that silver lining my eyes
is still a stitch of hell

we channel through each other
and this time,
You are God

why have I forgotten, all the gifts I held?
and underneath these blankets,
are my dreams?!
just poems powered by my greed?
incessant demands for your return?
chasms with switchboard co-operators?

I sugar coat You
just to strip you down
and then I let you give me

when I complain
there are ribboned birds planning winter
and swans necking
in the audience
of my

I love you
stretching all your crosshairs
to meet me
in my

I love you
breaking bread
over my
queen, king, ace

I love you
unloading the car of clowns
on my
root lock

You are my God
and I only
like You Are
when my microphone
is unplugged

I act
like we have forever
each dream
wakes from itself
wakes me
from you
and I wrestle
giving up

I Love You
Your Beloved

Monday, August 16, 2010

Love Letter 280 So Close

i have failed you
in all my deliveries I have lost my purpose
your pure wing
and I am fumbling with a wheel of cheese
and a frothy vineyard
I have taken all my clothes and
hung them
like fragile roses
crooked on a closed line
and let my body
into a single draping thorn
in the road
aimed to
bust your tire
and make you
pull over

this science
getting your attention
comes so close
to greed
that I cannot stare straight ahead,
but my religion
does not
and I will put salt and pepper on my bed
if it

I Love You
Your Beloved

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Love Letter 279 Next Time You See Me

I want to see you
in something less

there's always so much

a quiet clean slate
unclouded by interruption

your naked

is all I want

a couple of clean hearts
and one invitation to love

is all I need

to know

Your Beloved

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Love Letter 278 Only One

My Love
have you seen me?
my face pouring toward your world?
my feet
very clearly visible, at your throne?

My Love,
have you seen me
put my hands out
like a child
standing there in all my rags
not once
self conscious?

and My Love

have you heard the stones change into chestnuts
and small butter apricots become acorns
and the speaking unspeaking
turn my eyes over to you?

do you know the lotus flower
is a blemish on the water
and yet her petals
become its turban?

am I not serene enough
to seduce
not suffering?

I have held out my hand forever
yet you hesitate to take it

I am asking you to be with me
I am penetrating your antipathy
your avalanche excusisms
your cutlery paring away my encouragement
I have fully entered your world
and yet you say I am not here

why all these excuses to cure me of my existence, Beloved?

Which wheel must love turn, for you to
say YES?

I Love You
Your Beloved

Friday, August 13, 2010

Love Letter 277 The Stake

I cannot reverse this pain --
it is a howling rhetoric
sure to shore the whole of defenses
and still divinely love

I am cryptic, stilling the (im)moral urge
to undo you

your spell, too profound for my

I have only wanted
a love story, my dear
not all these warm-ups
which were practice
for a swollen heart
whose chasm is unheard
and whose
is dead


one solid
by an ever and eternal resurrection

Oh, My Love

I have longed to feel that thing
which hinges on nothing
but on which all hinges

I have begged
in the market
for a spear
to purse my stilted corpse
its wound like one great ark of hurt
I cannot spill my blood
for which martyr
could do that?

my only altar
is you
from which I sweep my tears
and return my jewels
onto what I scroll my heart
and still
these steps, like third worlds
who and what contain them?
build them
break them?

my journey to you
lies on a broken heel and hell of sorrow
all works conform to your grave
turning and tilling
I find your soul
the lamplight
in my cave

your heavenly castle
is but the next stair
and all I have started and stated
fades away

it is ample
this rock, staff, reed

I am full of what a wedding
would be
I am not
getting married

my dear

how can you stand me
sobbing in your bouquet?

how can you steady my butchery?

I have lived
to stop writing
to him
it is a stretch of imagination's skin
to crop a world
and paste it back

all my salt worth like a stubborn drowning chalk

this time
I will give the love letter
to Him
which appreciates
my chivalry
and awkwardness

I am made aware
by my daily begging
that the altar
the love
but You
on which I put
all of me
where love burns all these words

Deliver me,
Your Beloved

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Love Letter 276 The Road Less Solace

Dear Lover,

This letter is sad.
Can I show my grief to you?
There have been a long line of abortions
to my love
and though in protest, my body cannot stand
my limbs pour pure steel into grieving
loss and lead like great friends
filling a koan with tears

I love you

though I have said that

and still the water runs dry
the thirst...
is ever steady
the thirst...
is full throttle
the thirst...
is unbreakable

my love
I am lost

do you have my compass?

will you stay in the forest and hear my tears?

I have grown up.
like a weed learning to honor her own beauty
in a world of
flower and fruit
I have had to find my reason
for being less
than you were willing to spend/hold

My love
I am so lonely
the sparks from this stolen aorta are like granules of death
sputtered into a pewter rash.
looked over again,
I have come to the charmless bridge
where I must decide
birthing or burning?

each intention is so pure
all my thoughts taint it

I look in the river
and that murk has become
my mother

I want you to adore me

think of that thin bare line
which I adorn

You are always
the idol of my quenching

and yet I thirst

bucket of water in my hands

and yet I thirst

Lord, I want to be purified
I want your inner beauty
to wash out all my pock marks

I want all your vintage holiness
to spark my reinvention

if I am bathing
my feet
in your awe,
what crying can be cured
letting me?

I am all alone in this world
the Fates
smother and smear me
I roll along their walls
the pain
inside of me

can you endure
my hurt?

some letters, my love
are pure
of one's own pretenses
thoughts become bargains
in the veil of the ideal

can you put up with this?

I Love You
Your Beloved

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Love Letter 275 Pinafore

is it over?
I thought you would come back
you have moved on

this love letter has been stuck in the silence I gave you
along with my refusal
to let you know my heart

and now
those things
never be opened
by you

it doesn't feel like love
as I say it
it doesn't move
anything but

I am still here
and you

do you know how much room I have saved in my heart?!
have you any idea how I have kept this shop
like a mausoleum of our addiction?!

can you imagine
how much of myself
I have bartered off
in favor
of keeping how I saw you
fitting in here

and all that vacancy
has been claustrophobic
as my speck of self
"the waiter"

how I expected you
to come
and move in
if I could just stop swallowing you up

and then
I wouldn't have to wonder
what God

with you
I thought I'd figured it out

there are thrown and broken ornaments
all over
and sirens
through my synapses
gasping your name

has been
no oxygen
since you left

and my lung
so deficient in love

God come near
when I have fallen
in love
with death?

Why does She
for the white flag
to drop
in a field of tumors

and the rest of this restless breath
to become
a strategy?

Can She see
that I have woven you
the whole world
I wanted

and that our love
had its own orchestra?

my heart
has a charley horse
not riding off
into the sunset
the vigilant despair
I borrowed
from the way things were

it is almost
too much
to throw
away the door
you closed

but God
has a bonfire
for just

I Love you
Your Beloved

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Love Letter 274 Your Fruitful Wound

in a form all his own
he will take your wonder
and pour it out
like unowned stars
and tread upon them
as if
they were
all you had
and it will take
a little bit
for you to
reach back in
and let him
all the ten -cent- grieving- decibel- screaming
that is
you are identified
how that mercy will come

his hands
have bent you
into some agile instrument --
all your alloy
like a gem,
and when you
let go
of the practice.
the sound.
the magic
of what you are

I want you to know
that I am still holding back
I think I am
from One
who knows it all
and I am still
the alchemist's giant tongue
enter my esophagus
but I
with all my heart
the mercy
that I cannot give myself

and he,
knows how
give it

I love You
Your Beloved

Monday, August 9, 2010

Love Letter 273 The Ides of Turning Over

dear love

in the moonlight, the fire still glows
all my eyes
to land
on it
and see
that we are all afloat
amid the murky water(s)
and though you float away
on that caravan of "I"s
I still see you guiding the oar
with great affection

and though
our drifting is not through
I have let you
take the anchor
of my heart

My love,
as I sit between the ocean
and that angelic, dancing, smoldering
I rap my head hard
against the surface
that comes between us...
I cannot see
among the flames, any darkness
nor light
it is all fantasy
sweeping the current of my real dreams inside of me
and I hold fast
to that awe
coming up from the stone speakers
and the flesh of fiery ash still pulling oxygen from the air for its journey

my love
my bath is your art, and your arms, and your ardor
though you have sunk it
like a legend
worth burying
I still journey
to the ides
to see it stir
I still watch over the embers
as if they were dragging me forward into a form I once remembered
I am still dangling my heart
like butter
into the wave
of your croissant heart

it is torture
to watch you throw it away
each buoy
a transcendental meeting
but your oar
still holds
the definite skill
of one
who came
in certain business

all ways point to the one

even as I dredge this river
I am not seeking your yes
so much as
I seek
what is certain

to surface


that Great Ordeal, Love.

It is Certain
I will find it

and anywhere
I look.

Your Beloved

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Love Letter 272 You Make Me Feel

you make me want to write about all the lost dangerous feelings I abandoned to be nice
and you make me want to
stop censoring
these erotic innuendos
that make no sense
except in sacred context
and you make me want to bathe the broken pieces of myself in your bath water
because you make me believe
that you can cure me
of the dying self I have created
you make me want to pull off all the shutters
and unwrap myself from all this fashion sense
you make me want
to get naked in a way that bibles ignore though babies are born
and you make me want
to give my God
all that I have
without pretending I am anything I'm not
and you make me believe
that God
will still be there
once I have put away all the costumes that make me feel less

you make me feel like doing things in the Light
that I've only thought of
in the dark.

I Love You
Your Beloved

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Love Letter 271 Pride's Harbor

further on the journey, where the truth bends
I see a part
of the story
i missed before
by thinking
i knew
how this would end
I gave up
(in the middle
about the next step)

but now
there it is
this little piece
of that design
You gave me to carry

and I will give no words
to what I don't know

(having stumbled here, again and again, on 'thinking I know'
it's almost funny
how I preferred rather than appreciated)

I will give no words
to what I don't know

because You KNOW, Beloved

I Love You
I love being this lucky
Your Beloved

Friday, August 6, 2010

Love Letter 270 Yikes!

it is too late
to write a love letter
for love
surrenders its shoulder like a summer lost in stars
and I wait to go to bed
even though
I am tired
and this night
slips away
'oh so beautiful'
is not enough of a bowing
I still want to pull night
into my great void
and make it sleep with me
I still want
the moon to move into the room I left bare
and push out all the abandonment with her rolling orb
the heat
becomes a reason to reveal what I have kept so secret
and I am wandering the hallway between writing to love and being written to
I cannot
get enough
of your believing in me
how you penetrate the day, even as I waste it, you appear
all your lips, without disgust, still expound wonders for me
all your eyes, without confusion, still ask for love
You ask me to stop cleaning my engines
and just look up
at God

I am so hung on to pulling out all the dust
that I have forgotten there is a clock on the wall
with a hand that never stops pointing to God

it is too late
to write
about love
for sonnets, like magnets for mankind have been written
singeing the heart like an open book
and my words like dried teardrops will not make the smoke rise
from what already has been burned

but I write
to avoid
holding on
to avoid sleep
to avoid waking up
to avoid
what I avoid
because I cannot face
that I have left You
to do something else

Oh God
when I look up
still be there.

in this intense avoidance
make me see you
even in the blindfold I often wear

I Love You
Your Beloved

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Love Letter 269 This is a Yoga

how do I write these?

I think of you
and how you come
with bread and water
to my cave
whether I show my face
or not

you don't disappear
even if
I do

You come around
when I can't stand anyone
including myself
you sit out there
like a cool wind
which doesn't blow to disturb me

I think of
all my prayers
are like back talk

you are listening
as if
I have cooked
for you

and even though
I have poisoned the food

you still say

"it tastes good"

I Love You,
Your Beloved

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Love Letter 268 Culture Shock

I always want to be in love with you

and this is such a test

for all you give to me

I am like a child at an amusement park
wanting to try all the rides

I wait in line

a long time

for seconds of fun

I let the cotton candy
melt on my tongue

I run
from ride
to ride
waiting in long lines
for seconds of fun

and I do this


out of breath
and ready for bed
still, somewhat dizzy

I forget
have given me
my life

Oh, Opera in the Distance
Keep Singing
...for you will awaken me
one day

Your Beloved

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Love Letter 267 That Watch Your Wearing

I forgive you
but only 'cause you love me
I wear the white dress
but only 'cause you like it

is like a hibiscus
it only grows in beautiful places

My Love
I want you to be happy
but not by leaving me

I want great things for you
but not greater than for me

You say things to me
that make me go numb
hostile enough to eat the sun
I am packing everything I am
in my mind
and throwing
everything I think of you
in your face

but this phase passes

because the moon has allowed herself to grow dark
be covered up
by things we cannot see
and give herself again
when light allows

and I never hold her
against her
I never blame
with my anger
her waning

yet I always watch her wax
with such ecstasy
I can barely finish this letter

I love You
Your Beloved

Monday, August 2, 2010

Love Letter 266 This Act

I leave you
because it's the only thing to do
the only thing I've learned
to do

I press my bed against the wall
so I feel safer
the wall does not think me silly

so this is
the way
I've lived

all things in their place
of making sense

and so

all the time
as my default

I have not followed you up to bed
because I know
there is warfare
around the corner
so I
will avoid
it all

sleep tight
I will say
walking out
to my own ambivalence and anger

You hear me
in my footsteps

and the shutting door
is like a lid on a coffin

except, my love

that I have bowed down
in the ashes
of your throne/crown tore off me
and I have let you ride
a zillion times
on my white magnet horse
and I have given you up
so someone might know
you deeper
and wake your art
(more fully)

and my dear
I have practiced
looking long and hard
at my weakness
as you praised me
and hid
your very last thought

and my beloved,
from this threshold
of the door shutting
I can see
that God is not wearing

I can feel you put your head
on the pillow

in my heart
there are poems
about this act

but for now
I will let sleep take you
while I learn

I love you,
Your Beloved

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Love Letter 265 Beyond the Sky

What thou sayest to me
is only thread
on the threadbare sky

I am grasping at fruit
cluttered in the sheer waist of your enjoyment
Capture me in that ring you dust --
examine like a root
caught in every angle of the truth
Let the world love us

it is safe here
where no one comes to tame us

We can be wild
in each epiphany
to stretch beyond
the place
where hate has held us

I am here
to enrich
your whole apparition
and that holy sky
which bends the needle backward
and will not stitch us
out of anything
but God

I Love You,
Your Beloved