cuz I am god
and there is no legend
be here
because to know me
is to know now the very center before all differences
this now is the very interface of all indulgence
civilized being
of the mortals
and speak to me
for I am an amphitheater for truth
and I sit in allegiance with thee
as thou(est) performs
all unmaskings
believer in me
for I don the forty truths
I sit and weep with thee
I laugh when thou art done
excited for our next venture
you know me
I am true to my name
does thou consider me
still living?
if I ask
it must be so
what would thou doest with me?
Oh Beloved
the sum of all hearts
still does not prove
what I know
in this still childish one
that you have invented all disclaimers
to put us gentle to the test of love, and let us pass.
Oh Beloved
your truth is true
but I'm reluctant and precious
I hold a grail and call it gold
but you open your hand
and extend it
help, love, affection, gratitude
Your acts
have spoken
without metaphor
or magicians
Your alms house no arrogance or frillery
in all my mystication with myself
you pull a single thread from a trillion fibers
and I retire my puppets
My Love
will apologies and confessions gain me love?
Must I constantly profess myself unknown
just to be ready
to receive you?
If I lay down
all my accolades
for self
I will be naked
in a house of successful dressers
My Dear
you always ask too much
and never deliver
my small-minded wish
I have always been too busy
to brush aside my own ignorance
but I have watched
let go
into Your Grace
Whatever you give
is grandiose
to our self-prescribed rapture
I have been a link in the caravan
constantly bucking my brethren
I have used your name like a critical vessel
to get my point
I have been learning
like a good student
so flattered by her education
that she can't guess
without drawing a graph around her straight A heart
My Love
You have listened close(ly)
to every argument
without giving in
Though I dream of a horse and carriage, a chariot and a corsage
You offer me
The Prince
this hand is trembling
to receive Your Love
I Love You
Your Beloved
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