I am on the countdown!
I have hidden my clock under your foot and await your stomping!
This has been hysterical, heretical, and wholesome
this journey through love's ascending caress and eternal cavern
I have been smitten and spit at
I have burnt up all offerings and still sit at the pit and wait for one more ember to glow
halfway into the night
one more ember
one more sign of your love
one last decent request for my heart on your hibachi.
I have lived in this land mine
and left my aching step in the lantern
I have chewed through the wire
and swallowed that dynamite
I have lived with the love- hate switch of the challenging grenade of your all encompassing hypno-frazzle
I have leapt at the coma, and left the couch crying for solitude! solitude! solitude!
But where is my sugar?!
where is my cloud of 88 pearls?
Out in the seabeds, stingrays and parrotfish wander
out in the grey silted quicksand of coral and lava
I leave my lurching credit of lies
out in the crater, where everything appears then disappears
I must surrender to knowing nothing
and trust
that your next step
will be
my heart
Your Beloved
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