Sunday, September 22, 2013

Love Letter 359 The Truth Is Enough to Get My Attention

I waited for you, casting nets on the ocean floor
into the deep, I reached
into the wading pond of death, the cornerstone of life, I held my hand into the strong wild belly
unable to see beyond my intent, beyond my engagement with my momentary truth, my part of the telling of a story that has so many sides, voices, faces and realities
I waited for you as if you were a hand on the clock making its rounds.
I waited for you as though you were an entertainer about to perform.
I waited for you as if you were one of many fish confused and bewildered by my hidden trappings.
I waited for you, until the pain grew great, and crying out, I fell under an enormous wave.  I played tricks with myself, writhing and chasing, dreaming and replacing.  Analyzing every piece I had cut away from your tapestry.
I cried out under the weight of what I'd woven
I cried out from under the sea
Your hand wrapped mine and we journeyed together.  Your words " Just say it.  Just say what is true for you without the charades."
Four words, an alchemy so challenging to embrace, " I am in pain" gushed forth from a dark fenced in place.
" I am in pain, " you said, " is a full sentence."
So I said it again, " I am in pain."
I am in pain, Beloved.  I am in pain.

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