Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Love Letter 234 A Difficult Detail

When the melody of my heart runs low
and I cower at the door of loneliness
I remember
how your love can be light, dark, strong, subtle, absent, present, like a list of stones tumbled by the swamp
I find my fingers scratching
at your post
wanting to arouse your love
wanting to feel your tender attention
filling my empty slip

(weighing it down, until I exist again)

I am embarrassed to admit it.
of course
these things become innocence's blood thirst
cravings for the Impeccable
for vision into the unseen
I am wanting you
though my bed is in shambles
my heart has never had a wholesome breakfast
and I am on the floor, writing love letters to you

yes, maybe you should move on
we will never be strangers
even our isolation from each other's berth
will not make us so
we are touched by one another
and though severed, we remain, from the same animal

oh lover
won't you open the door
all ecstasy is dead in the distance between us
whatever I need
is purely
your presence
your mouth in my lap
your listening
I need your acknowledgement
...don't run in fear, boarding up what little window is left (between us)

my love
we have both been on this doorstep
and turned away the other
many times before
and also
that tender door

we have made the mess together
your bed -- mine once
and my bed -- yours
we have tumbled these stones together
and put them in and out of order
tonight, the agony of awakening alone
is like a wrench loosening our contact
a wrench, my love
which has no business in my heart

have you ever looked upon the madness, knowing it is mad, and yet still drifting in it, treading it, floating in and out of knowing the One?

if my desperation turns you off, beloved
then you must see for yourself, that I am made of nothing more than you
Your shutting down, is my coffin
Your opening, a place in the universe where Love takes root

it is not madness
which separates us
but fear that there is not enough Love
to carry us madly
into each other's arms

I blissfully love you

there is nothing between us
but this sting of distinction
you are you
or I am me
whatever the confusion
I have a wrench
to remove that door
if you so choose

Your Beloved

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Love Letter 233 Proof of You

I Am not confused. I have been
betrothed to you since I was an infant;
watery stars in a mother's womb sent word of your existence/whereabouts.
I Am only with You.
Here for you.
willing to be touched by your accord.
Your genius has spread through my heart and
I Am addicted to opening...
smoking the precious pleasure of your Absolute,
I inhale every bit of knowing, every loud and clear
"GONG" that I Am Loved.

I Live by it, even in my failure,
I return again and again to the "Gong"
I harbor its note when the sea shifts in my transition.
I pocket its sound --- so that when I am deaf, I can still feel its pulse.
I share it with others
when I can see no reason not to
For you, too, are theirs

Your Beloved

Monday, June 28, 2010

Love Letter 232 Firm Grip

When we dance,
my hair becomes the serpent
curving into Arabic

my feet are henna slippers sliding on the Zikr's
geometric harp,
...then Aramaic pastures
I find my fingers following the imprint,
cave walls, then floors, where prayers are given
to live and breathe the air
and then I fall
down into Alice
and become the blissful spinning... where words are not enough

I hold you in the voiceless breath of All Speaking Allah
I carry your ancient dreaming caravan in my footsteps
I borrow all the images of lineage and then

I Go Blank

with God's Love

I cannot see your eyes
'cept for a burning bush

I cannot see your new wounds
for you are a full circle
and so old,
you must be the friend of God

turning, turning
spin into cedar
sprouting vast apartments where all Beings Live
and You Are the Door

I Love You
I Love the way we Dance
Passion is Compassion's partner...Compassion's Lover!

Your Beloved

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Love Letter 231 Free to Dance!

Hear the third drum of water ...
That means the moon is full
for the 3rd night in a row
and we are free to dance!

For there is no joy greater than thirst
conceived by two souls moving to God's own heart

then quenched by drinking in Her Providence once they have turned to dust!

Beloved! When we dance, my heart grows parched just wanting to be closer
and in a fit of lust,
diminishes to genesis
waking anew to your water

please please
no matter the moon!
take hands with me
and thrust your loaded heart against my desert!

I Love You!
Your Beloved

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Love Letter 230 War and Peace

This is habitual
this shrinking and dining
this shirking, rejection and caste,
this is the blistering state of the ego
transcending, returning, pretending
Divine Hebrew Scripture
then cutting out the heart

this is the work of coming closer
masters, knights and thieves.
the world's pirates and philanthropic treasure chests.
This girdle of condescendant peace
and the griddle of despair

I promise you
The Shaking Loose must come true
but not now, while you're pushing forward and
falling back.
This/your Disorder is the holocaust of your own heart
opening and closing in violent silhouette
like a shadow puppet --- never really there.
I promise you
full Disclosure
if you just,
your heart
And Fall In LOVE
with The One

I Love You
Your Beloved

Friday, June 25, 2010

Love Letter 229 Meditation

I shudder..
if that's okay.
I mean
if you don't mind me shuddering.
at least I know what it is to let love surprise me
even tangled in this microscopic lens.
I wish you were here.
because I'm selfish
and selfishness feels much like crying and hugging against the ocean floor
I don't know what to do with it, not sure it will get me where I'm going, yet I can't seem to stop the flagellating mark of ecstasy.

I Love You
is this discontent?
...that your funeral is your deliverance
or have I hallmarked my heart, like an east coast slang --
so that I know
how to be ignorant?...
in case
I Love You too much
and will not let go
your spectacular prelude
to all that is...

yes, I'm in the thick of it.
ecstasy has quickened my breath, and released me from donning a wardrobe
but still
in the silence, I sometimes arrive at a thought
and so curious, I begin to notice, how I am entertaining, everything I hold on to

so please
don't let me go, but push me harder
into the briar of my discontent.
you know I'm the devil
and as long as there is hatred,
conviction will make me a worthy cause.
so please
if I am the beast
let me grow into
all that I fear
so I can see the smooth surface of hatred
so I can see how the swing swung into epiphany and entanglement
and I can catch my breath on each chain
til it descends again, a chrysalis.
please let me
wait out
this plunge
so mephistopheles does not take me
but I, instead, behold him in my heart
like a changeling

oh God
you have begun to unchain
all the worlds in my empty admission
all these crimes have become a velvet levee
and a dream of breaking.
I have only wanted you to steady me on the fist of holiness, honesty -- my contentment
I have only wanted you
to stay this cross, until, there is no intersection

I Love You
Your Beloved

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Love Letter 228 gladiator arabic

Get out of this opera house!
It is too fancy for herbs picked on a spring day along a path of waterlilies
help me, my friend
to find the way
to please this simple mind and grandeur heart..
or if it is the other way --- that easy heart, oh and the palatial mind of euphemism
please let me sift out all of those dry ends
and contend with the means
contend with the way water seems to disappear, and rise again
or disappear and descend.

oh water goddess and great jupiter, neptune has held isis and is calling for love in all bodies of water
poseidon and inanna
have given their grass skirts to children who wear nothing
but the thoughts their parents give them

oh please
if I may be rude...
I choose You
and it seems to me
You must surrender
I am persistent
and less skillful
so woefully and holy at your mercy
that no amount of myrrh
will abate
me becoming
a shell on your silver bank
shouldering your love
in the intricate funnels
of my catastrophe

I Love You
Your Beloved

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Love Letter 227 Nothing on the Path

when you set the silverware out
like you do
in a pile
and I get undressed with the windows open
I remember
the chilled grapes and the lantern
we took on that walk
before I knew
you this well

going down that path
we came to a fork
and you said
this is a perfect place for a picnic

the whole time
I felt like I was in the way
our blanket
grazing like professionals on outdoor ambience

but no one came by us.
and now
I understand it --
the whole why of squatting down, in the path, at the crux of the split...
you were saying something
I wasn't yet ready to hear
I see, you refused to be divided

and it was

want to stay United

nothing on the path
changes that

this, is why
I love You
Your Beloved

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Love Letter Now Stop Whaling Forever

anything you do to kill me
will just make me
not disappear
I will still be
in your psyche
playing the murder
over in your head
it will not be done
finished with
as if
I were never here
the sadistic sojourn of the hunger
will turn
on the sadist
who is hurting
inside the rage
and there I will be
and thriving
in your own introverted/extroverted contempt
like eyes we will come together
our hoods touching
you will try to shake me
but I am the mark
on your back
and the rattle on the rattler
you will keep pumping me with blame
to kill
your own psyche
thinking it is me
contesting death with my revenge

but will you tire, my love?
of all this pointing?
everything outside the body is just the mind of it
how can you rid the psyche of its own fabricator, instigator, co-dependency?
My dear,
I am not dead
can you kill me
but I will let you
rid yourself of
all those images
you cast of me
ideals and shadows and supposed tos
I will let you "off" those presenting trivialities
and catch instead
a true glimpse of yourself

in this way, we will "off" death
and the fighting will stop
no more whales will be butchered by the whaler
once he sees
he is the whale.
then he can rid himself
of the whaler
he never was
the killer
he never is

I Love You
Your Beloved

stop the whaling

Love Letter 226 Arrival

I wanted to be with you
so much packing, just to leave
and now I'm naked
still imagining clothes
I will get over
I will get over needing something to read
pages to write in

I will soon stop needing to make a decision
or try
to believe
this is true

if you keep coming like this to me
I will have no where
to go
all my backpacks
are filled with
to follow the One/You
meditation tapes, yoga mats
handfuls of crystals
algae, henna
a book of prayers

even my toothpaste
is a foolish thing to carry
and shoes.... forgive the shoes
I was just hoping
to prepare a bath for you
and await your knock
but dear
I have brought all that nostalgia
to a blind date
and you were already here
writing your poems on the sheets I would sleep in
you were here
when I got here
you were always here
your patience, like a chamber of elevated laughter applauding my slow waltz

all I have wanted
was waiting
while I made the decision
to come
all those years, trying to decide
to go about
saying yes
I never knew
you would be so available
that's why, now
I still practice
and leaving

I just can't believe
One Yes
brought You.

I Love You
Your Beloved

Monday, June 21, 2010

Love Letter 225 Wake UP!

Put Down That Pen!

Beloved! The stars are out
stop writing!
the world is going round like a mango falling from a tern's beak
into YOUR lap
and you are stuck inside, pressed against that dead book!
Look at the leaves beloved! and the moon as it rolls out of bed!
and the smell..! Beloved
it smells like daylight, only with a veil of wild honey and turmeric drenched on its oyster dress!
Will you put that down!
Haven't you spent your whole life separate from the virgin elegance of now?!
haven't you finished those 26 letters, in and out of order, so dried of their juice, that you must realize how thirsty you are?!
Oh Beloved,
let me do it for you
this ink is black and dismal, this page has lost its vividness...
my dear, DEAR, SOUL!
Come OUT!
the world has gifts for you
not from Amazon, but Arabia! The whole quarter of Allah has perched its perfume on the sun, and I have a feeling
that God is waiting to SPRITZ YOU, Beloved!!!

Your Beloved

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Love Letter 224 Tumbled

willing to be silent
I stop
it is hard.
every stone is a jewel
every shell a new necklace
even my feet feel the pull of distraction's glamorous entourage of bouquets.
life is a feast
but what, here, is sweet?
I wanted to go everywhere
at Your Shore
I cannot leave.
Your open arms
hold nothing
but sacred psalms
and all my tears, voiceless and unfitting
into your well.
you have not told me what to do
but you have pried me
from the very wrong I do
just by being more
than I could ever ask for
in a way
I could never ask for it

I Love You
Your Beloved

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Love Letter 223 In Parts

I don't remember all the details...

you may want me to

All I can make out

I fell in Love
so easily

when I met you


I have


I Love You
Your Beloved

Friday, June 18, 2010

Love Letter 222


a scoured out gullet, purpose undaunted by infamy, happiness flaunting her wings --
Wide Open

You have liberated my soul
softly, soundly,
I am free

I hear the swifts howling "samsara samsara"
but I am the ocean
freed from the tides

I hear the wind coo
and the wild owl "hawk"
I know my place in the universe

my grapes into clay powder
my uniform a basket of uncoined phrases
kindling the muse.
I am no one. yet I am so lucky.
I have found You.

and my soul whistles silently
to all who don't know, "there is Love, there is Love... here, now, there is all."

I love You
Your Beloved

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Love Letter 221 Dandelion Ashes

You wonder why I don't rest,
chasing lunatics in my own skin
cherubs carrying torches
aiming their firearms at the sun
Why would they give to that which already has?

They must know something I do not

Sri Ram
Jai Ram
I sing the ragas
I recite my poems

on the faintest heart, I milk the earth for a bridegroom
I browse for your favor,

but I dare not rest!

because the pungent spell of dandelion ash
is growing in a tree trunk
and there is a poem there... a dry birth...a torch waiting to burn.

I Love and Adore You
Your Beloved

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Love Letter 220 Drink Up!

We are getting close!
All this love talk has made me miss you
and yet feel your presence more!

each letter is a new diction of love
more slang, for each nuance of how I carry on
long into the sweat-filled night, deep into abracadabra,
weeping like a blanket which has been wrenched off
in passion

have you caught on?!

have you ever tired of these violent advertisements of thirsty evangelism?
teasing the ceaseless thriving of YOU?
can I say more, and what can I say?
all these arrangements are relative cocktails, compared to the endless party
of your Actual Presence
I am only a groupie, recording your every whimper with my third eye
only mad, I count the times you close your eyes and remember God
Allah, Rah, and The One Who Knows
(but isn't it you? I consider, as I play back the reel of our endless years)

I Love You
Your Beloved

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Love Letter 219 Limber Up!

I have no names for God but You

You You You You You

What other word could be so obvious, available and useful?

For You to Be God -- for me to see it
I must hinder my ego and make limber my heart
so I can remain unconfused

the sea of Divine faces reflecting one truth

oh, may I see it, may I see that bright truth!
hinder hinder hinder! limber limber limber!

this is the great catastrophe of prophets
Their truth seemed too simple: Love

oh, to rest the complex
and embrace the emptiness!

so I may see YOU

Your Beloved

Monday, June 14, 2010

Love Letter 218 UP

I am an amateur at this
Hercules, Euripides and Spider Man
pull together to help me up...
my courage: in tears

They scold me
in a garden where birds hear: "Why are you giving up?"

... Eventually, they leave
after sharing some soup,
but I pretend to lie still, unmoving

I pretend to not hear
what the birds are saying:
"Trust us...We know which way is up"

Your Beloved

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Love Letter 217 Trickery

I have been holding on to something sacred...


and this holding on is trickery,
for You slip beneath my grip and fall apart ---
strands of Perfect light
dizzying my chase
to get you back.

how far have You gone?

no where --
no, You will never go
I just needed to let go
to know that

I Love You
Your Beloved

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Love Letter 216 Before Columbus

In my communion
I have let you go
like the common man
the housewife
the butcher
and the fowl

I have lived up to you
like a bluebird on a black bird's tail
I have looked over and over the ocean
for Atlantis
and Hades
and Hell

I have given Dante my number
and held the hearts of fleeing doves
I have dug through tunnels thick with bruised aortic impulses
and scraped back the blood from secret grails

For You
I have put everything in order
just waiting for the wind
I have shewed away my Lovers
I have painted my walls gold, and left a crystal path of my elation
for you to follow

...if You ever

I have lain a plate of pearls, and broken oysters just to find you
I have remembered dreams and picked them clean for details of Your hideout

You have become a word
I can't write down
or say without something awful being absolved

sometimes I wonder
just how dangerous our hunger has become
for You
all us dirty impatient angels
pounding on your door
for one more miracle

is it you? is it you?
we chant each time we feel alive

and of course
all I have forgotten
all I have forgiven
is a mute verb

my memory
like a giant pool of You
my mind a scented single pillar of Your smoke
my body
still a filter for Your potent Holy Joke

if I am not here to know You
then I ask
why this burning ego bowing down to You
Why this crazy/crazed mask looking through your window
why this enamored crowd panning floods for You

but we are still One
even in this setting out for new worlds
no fleet can claim a land already Founded By Love, Invented By Your Gold
yet still we travel
in and out of body
to discover
what we have always known

You You You
in Our communion
I forget Who is Who
and let the Name go
So I can Be
Symbiotic with what is
Being has no name without a witness
come now, what are you looking at?
Join In!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Love Letter 215 I Have Heard About the Heart

You said the heart was reliable
but how would you know?
Your heart is a silver stud on a golden alpaca
and it moves when dragons chase the moon out of the ocean...
I look to mine now and then
and still
I cannot tell the difference
is it my heart?
is it my head?
which of these holds the answers

I wanted to name you the prince... the princess of all creation
but I just can't get out that last vowel
I just can't seem to believe dust to dust is the same thing as eternal
I just can't wrap my heart around
the weeping infidels and rheumatic slaughters
that happen daily
and often
and without miracles to shift them into romance novels

I just wonder
when I am aching
is my heart responsible?
can I mind over matter?
can I wash it all out, as though a storm just passing

can I sit in the zendo
when thousands of others twisted in villages and given to the violence
are broken by the kind of chains
only man has thought of?
where is his heart, I ask you?
if it's so reliable.

today I danced
because the dancing is a way to shake you back into my bloodstream
because ecstasy creeps in when I am busy swirling
no heart
no head
is present
only the outstretched opera of my awe toward You

Oh Liberator
You have sent many in Your sandals to share a bit of bread
Your spilling cup of prophets often dead because they carried Your carpet through the world

I wish only to enlist Your favor
for these three meals
-- waking up
-- walking in the world
-- and sharing bread with others on Your carpet, Beloved

I Love You
Your Beloved

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Love Letter 214 When the Winter Doesn't Seem Cold

I do not write the love letter
it writes me
I do not notice beauty
it notices me
I do not speak
but words come through
and this
is a way of living

I think of you
without trying
to picture
any part of you
even the sum too glorious for my fragile mind

my heart loves
though I beg it not to
or sometimes
forget to acknowledge anything it feels,
yet, it feels

I made a temple in my sleep
with pillows
and murmurs
though I was sleeping
so I don't know
how I did it

I may have tricked myself,
for once
everything was calm
and that calmness
has lasted
like the mystery itself

completely out of this particular persian blue
the diamond came
like a lotus
and opening
at last
like Your eyes
from a banquet of sleep

nothing is impossible

without even having paved a road of gold
were You

I didn't have to quit smoking (though I never did smoke)
or take up Tae Kwon Do
I didn't change my perfume
or use bigger words
or start saying Thank You
more often

When I think of all the crawling I've done
over elaborate slopes and potholes
it must be
humorous to you

I didn't have to catch you
or put you under any spell
no incantations or red mandalas
not even a rain dance

so you see

I do not write the love letter
it writes itself
love is not a method
but a living ordinary magic
just like
You Are

and without
a thought
without perfection
You and Love
have come
to my bed
again and again
as if this bed were yours
Love's bed...
Your bed...
maybe it is me who has been sleeping
in Yours
this feels good.

Your Beloved

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Love Letter 213 I Cannot Promise What I Say is True

I have nothing to say to you.
having lost the art of french,
hindi, silence
having lost the art of weaving my fingers into a prayer to animate for you
having lost the art
of bending
into fertile ground
or glimpses of heaven

in fact, I left the oven on
heating the whole house
so hot
so I could lose my coolness
or any protection I had against discomfort
then I disrobed
and ran into a spin, so violent
the whole house shook into ash

but as I was doing this
one thing kept happening
all I had lost came back
in multiples
my shirt and socks
the things I had always wanted to say
the beads of scripture implanted in my heart

but still
even naked,
with everything at my feet
nothing lost
all of it gained back, abundant

I shrugged my shoulders

what was it
to perform
these arts

what is it
to give you
what has already been given
you a million times a million
an infinite number of times?

my heart began to murmur
and I had nothing to do with it
I donated everything to silence

I stopped trying to say
with my mouth, hands, body and eyes

I began shivering in
the cold dark mess
of misjudging
what was necessary
to You

I let alone
all this singleness
of thinking

I let alone
all this hatred for triumph and trying

I let alone victory
and resolution

I let alone You

so I could fall back
on something
than myself

I stopped putting my inventions to the test,
stopped trying to be pragmatic
or imaginative
stopped trying to be a genius
jumping up and down for honorary mentions
I stopped trying
to get you to notice
what I had let go of,
how I had improved,
what I had to offer,
how much better I could love you now.

I stopped trying to see you
from inside
my shit hole
of content
or discontent
my ornery oasis
my funhouse
of apathetic mirrors and apologetic abstinence
my advice for a better life, a new film about positives
I stopped trying new positions
and set aside old ones
in fact. I stopped moving
and I stopped staying still

I let go of all commitments. all commandments
and anything else that felt shallow, used and rehearsed

I let go of sunrise
and death
and the idea of eating upon waking
I let go of sleep
and hanging around
and checking my mail

and then I stopped letting go
why not?
it seemed, I had become too familiar with that act too
I stopped wanting to be an artist
I stopped wanting to be good at everything
I stopped being convinced I was a failure
I stopped struggling with what it means to fail
I stopped trying to get in touch
with who I thought you were

I left you alone


You showed up

and I said
did nothing
I was full on naked
and useless
but not in any shocking or soulful way

and you put Your arms around me
You carried me out
to the sunshine
You poured kerosene
on my whole body
and asked me, what now, should you do?
I put my hand out
and You joined me
and we lay there together
laughing and rolling around
soaking wet

but it was a hot day
so hot

you were there!

We burst into flames
not like I had pictured once
real terrific flames of laughter
jubilees really
and people came
to us
with their marshmallows
and cold fingers
rubbing them against our halos
and they pulled up chairs
some of them soldering things broken, into cosmic cornucopias and living 3 dimensional Renoirs
the whole neighborhood made violins and tambourines out of burning debris, our wrists and limbs, those beautiful eyelashes I love of yours
and made a band
the organic automatic they called it
and played well on
into the week

An entire celebration
started by our fire

had I thought of it sooner
it never would have been this fun!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Love Letter 212 Endless Talk

I was pregnant, once
with a dirty word
but I couldn't use it

I would go places just to hear it
coming from someone else.
I would push people to use it
then run
as if
they had done
something wrong

I used to be a virgin.
casting out frogs, and
casting off princes

I used to pride myself
on living without
and keeping myself solemn and sovereign.
I was so sentimental
I lost the meaning
of Love

I pressed my finger on the button
and erased
the whole grid

but YOU never blew up

I want to be pregnant
as much as I want to give birth

those dirty words
are useless camping out on the tongue

but how do I take that first step
to Beloved?

must I let "God"
of my mouth?

I Love You
Your Beloved

2012 The Mother Language Speaks (part1)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Love Letter 211 Where You Step

The One is hiding
in a blade of grass

oh look!
but which ONE?

The One is hiding in a third wheel --
awkward evening --
heavenly adulation of hips

The One is hiding
in the ring around your toilet
a jar of vanilla wax, linseed oil
soft music showing its bravado
a shaman's sturdy call to the crow (Can you hear it?)

The One is wearing a nude cloth
one that blends in with the fabric of the body
but where?

and he is talking with her hands
and wearing sunglasses
and jumping off of high places
just to feel the ground
and again
to be close to you
between your fingers
like an itch
that will not forgive or forget about love

The One
where you are
not a single inch further
or farther

The One does not know about measure
Everything He Does Is Full On
Everything She Does Is Too Much
Everything She Does is So Obvious
we might be stepping on His house

(check, right now, underfoot!)

We will be laughing about this...!

I Love You
Your Beloved

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Love Letter 210 I Have Found Out

Who says The One's Love
is not personal?

I beg to differ



very personal, my dear
very personal!


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Love Letter 209 Make it Personal

in your precious rental
of this luminous body
you have found God
sleeping on a sidewalk
with a vestige of gin
and he has taken from his blanket
a scrap
to blow his nose
and wash his face this your God?

of course it is

and stubborn as the hemming of a haw
the day nibbles at your kismet tongue
with a wire toothed comb, until all your taste buds
have forgotten the halo of honey
and you begin
gnawing at my world

while I sit
feet crossed
in a park which has no fountains
and I keep on writing even as you talk

is this your God?

and sometimes
you shoot at birds
and kill bugs

is this your God?

and sometimes you talk about weather
complaining, or desiring something else

is this your God?

and sometimes you point at strangers moving differently than you
and sometimes
you volunteer the truth
and sometimes
you rub against the cobwebs of your mother's youth

is this your God?

when will the lights be turned on?
you have been living this long.

look around
there are still more switches to flick

then this light house
can be your God
and see
that everything
for miles and beyond
is holy, luminous and God

this freedom
is the Beloved
gardening your heart

oil and will and sturdy containers which pour
are good here

the voice
is your own

gather, believe and pour


I Love You
Your Beloved

Friday, June 4, 2010

Love Letter 208 Sometimes I Wonder What I Mean


Even saying it, makes me laugh
at my conclusion --- YOU --- A Genius!
Ha! Each syllable like monochromatic laughter...
uncooked cookies waiting to be polluted
by hours in the oven

Oh God

will this laughter ever end?!
or must I Give Up
trying to sound sane

I Love You,
Your Beloved

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Love Letter 207 Holy China

In Your Oyster, I have found God
juggling a thousand insects of glory
wading through the jungles of intense impatience
and wandering always HOME HOME HOME, holy entrance always inviting

I have seen him
in the shadows of your cat's claw
between your cushions
in the water left by dripping icicles

I have heard her
in the Omphalos
the UnderWater
and Purring Venus overhead

What I want to know is

have you opened your couch out?
set a vase of flowers
made extra
left a key under your mat?

are your breadcrumbs fireproof
and can you
walk on water
when the One
says that you can?

Sure Sure
all is in order

We have prepared
for what none
can ever prepare

It is silly to lay out china
but do it still
show your intention
and then move on
with wearing God's name on your body
with every breath

I Love You
Your Beloved

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Love Letter 206 Poison Antidote

I have a hunter's compassion
and a poison ivy temperament...
life flows in and out
and I am drowning.
you cast your nets like gravel into nutrients,
you set your watch to zero
and count down.
you look below
then jump
but before I betray you
with all my works of God.
let me tell you
I am nothing
I have no pedestal
have made no vows
don't even make room for saviours in my inn
I sweep my floor with the heart of my hand
and turn proud to beggars
I sleep on a pitchfork overhanging the ocean
and one foot is draping off always
like a cocoon ready to fall.
I don't even have a hook to drag me back
if I slip in

I don't need one

You are all the anchor
I will need.
magnetized to truth, all my convictions will turn to YOU

no matter how I hone my hell

You Will Always Be There

like a bee
on a jet ski of dew
drinking in the palm flower
nesting in the lilacs

wanting Love
to be your One Defining Detail

and it is.

I am sorry for all the drama

I Love You
Your Beloved

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Love Letter 205

is a word I use too much,
like holy.
I think the word I use makes a difference.
But my voice has sound
and those two words are no different
those words are like ink

Only Your Light
makes a difference

not my words

Holding You
I forget how to spell,
sound out vowels
chart resolution.

My knees slant down hill
my heart beams up

it makes no hostile holy difference:
When You're around
I am different
I am

I Love You
Your Beloved