Sunday, February 28, 2010

Love Letter 111 Holy Opportunity (Batman)


to bring more Light into the World



I Love You
Your Beloved

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Love Letter 110 The Same Mind Defying Way

Where do you want to go?
I ask you
and you respond
always in the same
mind-defying way
"there" you say
and you point to my heart

I Love You
Your Beloved

Friday, February 26, 2010

Love Letter 109 A Thousand Revolutions

Beyond dreams, I sit here
purgatory without you
and the zen unfolds
as I listen
to how
you are here

So much silence
my aggravation
that I am tossed out
of hell
and into

without luck...
I am still Lucky!

I love You
Your Beloved

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Love Letter 108 The Magic Koan

hung in a forest
on trees I burned
because in the East the wind blows
and ate with me
the atoms
of nine storms
to taste something of the drowning sorrow

at last I can look at love
without pretending
I am doing
anything else

I love you
Your Beloved

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Love Letter 107 The Crucial Place Of Charge

To be Yours completely
I must let

this relationship
who I think
I am
and who I guess
you are

to Be In The Divine
I must
just rest
enough to notice
I Am there

to be Here with You
I Am, in charge, of my Presence

and I give it all
to you
as best I can

to support you daily
in Your Own

I Love You Dearly, My Beloved
Your Beloved

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Love Letter 106 In the Middle of You

I Am Here
in the middle of You
Your Love Stretches around
and Reaches

Your Good Works
and strengthen
all the wounded parts
of the world
my world, included

Your Great Words
and Reflections
Your Deep Peace
Intended Peace
Process of Practicing

All Make a difference

In the Middle of You
I sit
in satori
Your Bliss a reference
for My Life

In the Middle of You
I wait
on the hum of cymbals
the light of crystals
the temple ether
to pull me down
from the shepherd
back into the flock
I can remember

In the Middle of You
I Journey
like a cloud on fire for the Sun
and forgetting
my own agenda
I find Heaven
in my wakefulness

I Love You
Your Beloved

Monday, February 22, 2010

Love Letter 105 Abstinence

I never thought of you
this way

Something new has come into my vision
a new way
to be with my heart
and have you love me

A new way of saying YES
a new harmony
which acknowledges
how I may have caused you suffering
so you could grow, yes
AND so that I could come
and find
I had been rejecting
a very fine and elegant Love
a Love you were willing to give
a Love I was worthy to receive
and yet
a Love
I had no altar for
at the time

but now
rising up
is the place in me
for love
and the many portals
through which that love was poured
when I was

all that work
to stay away from love

and yet
it was never anywhere
but here...
it was
I, who had to come back
to Love
to You

I Thank Thee
I Love You
Your Beloved

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Love Letter 104 Table of Amazing

Imagine you
perfectly dressed,
clothed in every linen that the great oak gives
the scent of cedar
the orange blossoms arranging their spells
so that your
perfect world
can appear

Love's ripeness and accord
the daily hymn
of welcoming
all that you are
to the table
of Today

There I sit
waiting for you
to notice
the world
turns perfectly in your favor
waiting for you to surrender
to the amazing Grace of God

I love you
Your Beloved

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Love Letter 103 At Your Command

Sometimes it's good to hear
from you
what you really think
and feel
and see
and want.
Who you really are
in the moment
and know
you are always more
than I could ever
wrap my head around

and luckily
this heart,
the one I'm wearing now
is in no hurry
to fit you in
with all its intimate practice
it is wise enough
for your infinite patience
so it can stretch
at your command

I Love You
Your Beloved

Friday, February 19, 2010

Love Letter 102 Conniption

The Search had me worn out
strychnine in my lungs
from linens filled with tears
I kept on searching
Still Believing
one day
you'd show up
in a way that I could see you
really were
what I'd been searching for

But instead,
you never showed up
you just kept calling, from under my own covers
begging me to turn off the magic show
and slow down.

A cup of tea
a deep breath

you said was all I needed

wake up

and then...
there you were
like daylight
through a window
I had painted black

It is I, who must apologize, to you
for taking so long
wake up

I love you
I love Your Soul
Your Beloved

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Love Letter 101 What It Took

you are immeasurable glory
beauty ever abundant
always willing
you follow
wherever I flow
or fall
you kneel, without thought to your stature
to help me up
I give you curdled milk
and you lap it up
because you love me
I am blind
and you let me lead
because you love me
I burden you with angst and rage so ugly
yet you look at me
as if I am beautiful
you listen to me
as if
I am yours
How did I stumble upon you?
was it no accident?
you, waiting in the path
always there
every step?
How did I manage
to finally notice
what tree stood still in the park
When did it come to this moment
when I freed myself
to look up
climb down
where You are

I Love You
Your Beloved

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Love Letter 100 Forgive the Mess

It is not all true!
These riots of religious proportions
to dine on your love
There are all things going on in the world
and still that well trickles with the finest wine amidst it
I have seasoned my lake with your love
I have surrendered fortresses
I have bathed in the milk of a thousand palaces and wondered where you were, so I could move the Earth toward you.
Forgive our jealous propriety
forgive how we haze intelligent art
forgive how we bomb the world
you so delicately give us daily
forgive our blind bad manners
and trust our heart
to come upon You
and be whole

Love Us Anyway,
As Only You Can,
Your Beloved

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Love Letter 99 Your Love So Worth It

It is only decent of me to attest
to Your Wonder
Your Chest holds the Equinox
Your bounty the blue-gold ocean
gems in every hand
the smile of God
skin like crystal paradigms
they tell parables
of soft sand beaches
and shells which house secrets so sacred
I must
pray for a thousand years
just to hear one.
I love that bargain!
to step on your shore
would be too much,
I must
go as slowly
as you permit
and see how Joy increases

I Love You
Your Beloved

Monday, February 15, 2010

Love Letter 98 Transpire and Grow

Glorious, we sat today
in mutual admiration
of the Flow of Love
from one morsel, to the rest
and the rest
to the morsel
and I sat mesmerized, by how you just let it happen!
what could I do?
but be delighted?
and sit some more
leaning on Love
and watching it grow
and cluster
and build this foundation for trust
which was so needed
and yet
ever present?
Please Beloved,
if you're not too tired
Share your story
of the Love you saw
and multiply

I Love you
Your Beloved

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Love Letter 97 Did You Notice?

I am not wasted, but live in your Love
I glow
with the almost perfect completion of your bow invested in my heart
but I will not rest
the moon is full
every night
of your love
your luxury like reassuring calm
your infinite wading pond
where the moon is full
and reflected
sharing double it's Light
I can't forgive this
this is too generous
and yet
I am always asking
for more

did you notice
I was falling in love?

In which letter, did you notice?

I Love You
Your Beloved

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Love Letter 96 Because Because Because, Because of the Wonderful Things Love Does!

Where are Love's chaperones?
that she can flit about among disaster and rest her head in my fears til they dissolve?!
that she can fit the two of us together, without a thought to logic, timidly worn to protect what might ly insecure?
that she should insist, imperfection can be a perfect fit?!
Who is watching her, when she uprises with surprises like synchronicity and serendipitous attraction?
Who allows her to cast such spells of intimate alignment and intuition? To brave such souls as humans? To seed our gardens with such sentimental glows?
To set my eyes on you, so my own soul cannot endure looking away or giving up
so set on you, so absorbed by your musk, that I am calling out your name like God's?!
What Love, that we are so flocked, and hooked, so amply fortified by Cupid's milk that no samurai cork could stop the flow of Love's Eternal Locus... What Luck! That Love should be so free to move us into such cherubic orbit! That none of us can stop it! That her commitment is so untired that we, too, must commit to her conviction! Must surrender to her coupling.

I Love You
and I Praise Love
for putting me in Your Orbit
Your Beloved

Friday, February 12, 2010

Love Letter 95

Beam me up, Beloved
Beam me to your heart
where cradles calm the tides and turn the ordinary into awe
Hold me tight so I can feel the arms of the Earth support me
and breathe in the ions of the sea
Water me
with your sacred oils, and anointing tongue
and spare me my own foibles as you say my name
with such Love
I am adorned in your affection
aligned with your perfection
elated by only You

I love you
Your Beloved

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Love Letter 93 All Prevailing Light

Dream of the dream you used to dream
when love was no longer elusive
and we were always joined by the light of the heart
my heart becoming the moon
and tides turning in your favor

We walk, the drifts of light leaning
and opening the new dark into dawn

Our love, like a crystal ball
seeing into the future
All Love
and magnifying
our innocence
into prevailing Light

I Am Yours
In this, I am sure

I Love You
Your Beloved

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Love Letter 94 God's Spoon

You're in my head
your echo, like a line of light leading me to perfection
Your joy infiltrates my blemishes
and restores new blood to my bones
where I am new again
each genetic imprint --- God's
each cell vibrating with Love's Joy and revitalization
each membrane a perfect transparent cocoon where all things are flexible and protected
Your name like a list of favorites
a flavor of ice cream scooped from the Divine's Sacred Heart
a bubble bath for the intellect
a swarm of honey, held out, by the gothic tree to the hungry man
Your refrain, an embrace I relish as the world spins
and I stop, to fully imagine Your Presence in My Life
We Are Limitless

I Love You
Your Beloved

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Love Letter 92 for Your Highest

I never hesitate, to offer you my love
in theory
but there are times
when my hot head and green heart
fail to nourish you
and my ego reacts, instead of
to your highest self
and my will
til the tide drags me in
and I grow wings enough
more real than I had
and more trustworthy
than I have been
and go again to your door
knocking on my knees
and ask you
to take the trouble
to love
and on these days
I am offering you
the whole of me
top to bottom
the ragged and the radiant
not just theory
but adulant practice
of what love is
when the heart opens
with the courage it has always had.

I Love You
Your Beloved

Monday, February 8, 2010

Love Letter 91 I will be bowing

Because You entered my heart
Because You Live
Because You Love
I Am here

After the silk rolls away
and the storm becomes dust
and I have stolen each look to build a pyramid radiant to you
I will be bowing
in the Sun
of You

I will be bowing
in the Sun
of You

I will be bowing
in the Sun
of You

Your Beloved

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Love Letter 90 All Offerings

I Am Fulfilled In Love
Omnipotent in All Ways
Saturant with Love's Ever Flowing Glow
I Know You
in God descends
and Light Entrusts itself
to Us

Oh Blessed Beggar Am I
holding my coffer Up
to your Grand Soul
and clicking my heels together
Home Home Home

Sweet Beloved of My Soul
Hold Me
and Cherish Me
like a cup of warm water
left from the rain
heated by the sun
to the lung's longing
and the heart's chasm

like wine
smashed on the tongue
by precious

You Anoint Me
Like The Chalice
of All Offerings
and my Cup
is Always Full
with Your

I Love You
Your Beloved

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Love Letter 89 Because the Heart is Set On You

Because I came down here
to be with you
and I was not foolish!

Rather, I was led, by the sum of the parts
to Know God
and therefore, You

to know myself,
and therefore, God

to know You
and Love to Live
the Life of Beauty,
that is chaos rising from the born again Sun,
which let's us think
it rises,
through You,
I came to know,
it never sets

like the Heart
On Love
I am Set On You

there is no horizon line
from which
I'll ever

I am here
as the Luminous One

I Love You
Your Beloved

Friday, February 5, 2010

Love Letter 88 To You

I throw my rug out
laying it in all proportions
and west
until I decide
which way
God will enter me
and then I turn
into a jungle
full of winged rain forest nets
which tumble and fall with the wind
sutures on time's belligerent struggle
to contain all perfection
and there I ly
whispering to God
how glad I am
to be broken
on this thin prayer
and how often I wish I were just
doing this
and how
easy it would be
to discard
the rest
of all those layers
of work
around this
little compass
which brings me

I Love You
Your Beloved

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Love Letter 87 Because God Is in the Water

Delicious Watering Hole, where I drop myself
and discover God
ohhh, the luxury of dropping
and discovering
again and again
I do this foolishness
just to be close to you
as if the first time
discovering Beloved
just to be
by the newness
you bring
to my every day
ordinary day
just to be delivered
these new cells of Abundance, Nourishment, Joyous Omnipotence
just to call myself
I am welling with Joy
at You
how you Still Show Up
Every Day
Every Ordinary Day
like a Special Delivery
Becoming my Purpose
for dropping
the drop
and Staying Wet
All Day

I Love You
Your Beloved

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Love Letter 86 Trusting the Abundance

I am liberated by this madness
Love has Set Me Alive
Befriended me
kept me captivated
and swelled my heart into an opulent Ocean

I wish to be with you
carried away
for your Art
the way you play all day
with the Sun
the way you move your fingers to touch the world in different ways
all of them

I wish for you
in a crowd
or alone
I am catching fish from a pole of ecstatic wishing
and as I reel
them closer
they become
your answer
to my casted wishes
yes yes yes
whir the fish
yes yes yes
they come closer
and I am suddenly real
suddenly Alive on the Line
and thrashing like lightning on the water
thrashing like love's generous firefly
thrashing with rushing glory
at the curling tail of you
and the seven hundred scales
and veils
of this luscious Ocean
lending her abundance
to my lesson of letting a long line out
into the patience
of the impressive
of Aliveness

Your Beloved

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Love Letter 85 Descending Stairway

When I am grievous, I look to you
when you are hurting, please look to me
between us, there is a sky
so vast
that perfection must
sit somewhere there

connecting us
to itself

I am yours

No Matter What

I Love you
Your Beloved

Monday, February 1, 2010

Love Letter 84 Which Castle of Gold

the infantry have checked my portals
and there, standing in the orafice, was your impeccable shape, untouchable, but nonetheless tangible in truth
they called to you
said I was harboring an angel
and when I bowed to you
they disappeared
fleeting in the hinting moniker of a flute

so Dear One
My Angel
where does flight take place?
and which castle of gold, do the infidels trade their wounds?
I have heard of heretics
I have heard
the truth
and now I am not opposed
to Listening to others
for all they seek
is you

I Love You Beloved
Your Beloved