Monday, March 29, 2010

Love Letter 141 Good Fortune

My Dear and Darling Beloved,
How are you now?
Now that the world has fallen off your shoulders and at your feet,
are you feeling my love?
Are you able
to feel the Love I am laying all over you, its traces like David and Joan of Arc?
Are you able to palpate the places it goes
in your body, ideas, and moves?
Is there a way that it comes to you
at night
or at dawn
when I am just thinking of you, from here
and you are realizing
that thought
from there?
Thus bringing us together
or reminding us
we are
in this One hemisphere, atmosphere,
cosmic whole?

Am I paragliding
into your arms
or do you still see me
at the top
of that hill
with the sun
willing to you give you its gold?
Even if there is no wind
I will
show up
in your arms,
for that is what I do.
Come to you
every moment of every moment.
there is no surrender
to the silence
I give to you
the constant
of the Lover
and the Beloved

I Love You
Your Beloved

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