Thursday, September 2, 2010

Love Letter 297 Who's Watching the Door? Woody Allen?

at least
I thought of you

before I got lost, mad, went essentially crazy
chose to get stuck. because, I had kicked that tire, and it felt good

why is your empire so beautiful?
no standards for getting in, even my green elevated longing, and my illuminated luggage
they all get through

don't you want to make it harder?
a test of strength, wit, glory?

don't you think, "Hey! I could charge money, for all of this?!"

Why does the good guy wear white?
and Why does the "bad" guy always have cooler clothes, weapons, hideouts?

Are you just laughing
is it really
as simple
"open sesame"?

I have all of your books
concert tickets
I have yet
to be back stage

even with this VIP pass
I am just an amateur
in a very Holy Club

and yet
you let us all in
as if
were miracles

Now that's Tough Love

Your Beloved

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